Even though our homes are supposed to feel like our own little sanctuary, so many individuals confess that is where the majority of their stress and anxiety stems from. From the outside looking in, we can understand that. Home is where all the daily responsibilities occur. Such as cleaning, cooking, bathing, caring for children, resting… and the list goes on. It is also where important dynamics of relationships take place. This could be with in-laws that are living with you, blended families learning to live together, marital partners, children, and even your pets! Each person, place, and thing within your home places a part in how you feel inside.
With all those moving pieces in mind, we have put together this helpful blog to give you 4 ways to decrease your anxiety levels while at home.
Learn to Relax
One of the hardest parts of coping with stressful situations is simply relaxing. However, that downtime is needed to create a healthy space of self-care for you. You can choose to read, meditate, journal or exercise. These little habits are dedicated to your sanity and will create an internal peacefulness that is dedicated to your mental health. With consistency, you will be sure to see the difference in your anxiety levels.
Simply talking about our feelings can reduce anxiety on multiple levels. Learning to express what is being bottled up inside of us makes us feel better instantly. Reach out to a friend, a loved one, your partner or even a licensed professional can make a big difference with the weight you are wearing on your shoulders.
Get More Sleep
A good night’s sleep has been proven to increase good mental health in individuals. We understand it might be hard to get some quality shut-eye when experiencing stress but making small adjustments to your sleeping space can play an important role in your overall sleep health. Some ways you can make sleep a priority are:
Set a bedtime and stick to it
Limit screen time on your phone or computer before going to bed
Avoid caffeine-filled beverages before bedtime
Find the right room temperature that works for you
Minimize the lights or distractions in your room
Breathwork Learning how to breathe can directly decrease our feelings of anxiety. When experiencing stressful situations normally our hearts are beating very fast and so is our breathing. Learning how to take slow, deep breaths can help restore normal breathing patterns and assist in centering you physically and mentally. Try this helpful breathing practice next time you are feeling stressed:
Inhale deeply and count to four
Hold your breath for 4 seconds
Exhale while counting for 4 seconds
Repeat until you start to feel more relaxed
BONUS: Peaceful Background Noise
Music is known to set the mood, so take advantage of this quick and easy way to get you out of an anxiety-filled funk. Simply log in to YouTube and search for calming and meditation music, your options will be limitless. You can also download apps right on your phone like Calm, Headspace, and Slumber.